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Welcome to your Parkinson's Cycling Coach Final Exam

Over one million people in the USA suffer from the debilitating effects of Parkinson’s Disease.

As of today, there is no known cure for Parkinson’s Disease

Forced Exercise, i.e. pedaling at a slower than their voluntary cadence

The Parkinson’s Cycling Program is not a useful for people with Parkinson’s disease due to the balance challenges that many experience.

Group cycling gives that individual the opportunity to build the muscles of the lower leg in a safe way.

To qualify for this training you’ll need to possess a verifiable combination of the following prerequisites:

2 or more years experience in conducting indoor cycling classes is mandatory for this program.

Beyond a coach’s established education, the personality traits of the coach are important too.

The average age for Parkinson’s Disease is 60 years of age, however 5-10% can be “early onset” beginning at the age of 40.

The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is NOT expected to increase substantially in the next 20 years due to the aging population.

The coach is the only person needed to make the Parkinson’s Cycling Coaching Program successful.

It is not necessary to stay current on each participant's health and personal challenges.

It is important to explain the “why” of each segment and how you want the riders to feel during the ride.

A Parkinson's Cycling Coach always rides the cycle to model good cycling form during the class.

If a rider is having a hard time keeping up with the class, a coach should tell him/her to leave class immediately.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disease that affects the central nervous system. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and the most common movement disorder in adults.

The main neurotransmitter involved in Parkinson’s Disease is called serotonin.

The symptoms and degree of impairment of the disease is the same with every person diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Bradykinesia is a slowness of voluntary movement.

As a Parkinson’s Cycling coach, we can diagnose anyone who exhibits symptoms.

The more nervous system messages the brain receives, the greater the response resulting in better motor function.

Research also shows that patients who exercise at a voluntary level well below 80RPMs will receive the same aerobic benefits as those using Forced Exercise but not the significant motor skill improvement.

This exercise protocol is intended to replace medication.

Most neurologists suggest that patients in an exercise program take their medications 30 minutes before class to maximize the medication’s effect.

Many of your Parkinson’s Cycling Class participants will be aerobically challenged.

We know that it is NOT important to run everyone through an initial test or assessment to get a sense of where they are both cardiovascular as well as observing their ability.

Baseline testing of the participant is to determine initial RPM’s, working heart rate, maximum sustainable power, and time interval for work effort.

If a participant can not complete the assessment for any reason, the assessment is complete and the participant can not be part of this program.

Many of these riders have muscle stiffness and limited flexibility. Seat placement is very important.

Handlebars are typically set in the lowest position.